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Tilt-up construction is rapidly gaining popularity with every year accounting for higher percentages of the overall building construction business. It is no wonder either, because tilt-up construction methods decrease construction time and allow many flexibility advantages over other competitive methods. 

Pocket Form Isolator helps hundreds of tilt-up users speed up their projects even further because it is installed in less time, with perfect consistency, always having accurate corner angles, saving money and eliminating form removal entirely!


PFI has proven to solve another age-old problem that is commonly encountered in construction. The problem was the inability of a contractor to be able to build an economical and fully functional utility pull-box for under-slab routing. For many years, grocery stores and several other types of buildings have needed to place serviceable refrigeration lines under slabs on grade. Convention centers, communication centers, law enforcement buildings, courthouses and other buildings have needed to place serviceable cable lines under slabs on grade. As our society becomes more and more "hi-tech", the need for this type of construction is rapidly increasing.


PFI has proven to provide contractors a very practical and economical means of constructing the junction boxes for these various sub-slab elements. PFI is available in just about any shape or size that you could ever dream of. We customize pre-drilled holes to meet your standards for the job; or the PFI can be easily field modified by the user. Our orange safety lids come in very handy for many of the situations encountered and we also have special adapters to make pull-boxes with an "edge-ledge" to support thin cover slabs that will meet building specifications.


PFI has proven to solve another age-old problem that is commonly encountered in construction. The problem was the inability of a contractor to be able to build an economical and fully functional utility pull-box for under-slab routing. For many years, grocery stores and several other types of buildings have needed to place serviceable refrigeration lines under slabs on grade. Convention centers, communication centers, law enforcement buildings, courthouses and other buildings have needed to place serviceable cable lines under slabs on grade. As our society becomes more and more "hi-tech", the need for this type of construction is rapidly increasing.


PFI has proven to provide contractors a very practical and economical means of constructing the junction boxes for these various sub-slab elements. PFI is available in just about any shape or size that you could ever dream of. We customize pre-drilled holes to meet your standards for the job; or the PFI can be easily field modified by the user. Our orange safety lids come in very handy for many of the situations encountered and we also have special adapters to make pull-boxes with an "edge-ledge" to support thin cover slabs that will meet building specifications.


Tilt-up construction is rapidly gaining popularity with every year accounting for higher percentages of the overall building construction business. It is no wonder either, because tilt-up construction methods decrease construction time and allow many flexibility advantages over other competitive methods. 

Pocket Form Isolator helps hundreds of tilt-up users speed up their projects even further because it is installed in less time, with perfect consistency, always having accurate corner angles, saving money and eliminating form removal entirely!


PFI stays in place for the life of the structure and prevents the two volumes of concrete from contacting one another. Expansion Joint Filler is no longer required, which is a big advantage saving you time, money, and providing more consistent and aesthetic finished floor joint.


PFI has proven to solve another age-old problem that is commonly encountered in construction. The problem was the inability of a contractor to be able to build an economical and fully functional utility pull-box for under-slab routing. For many years, grocery stores and several other types of buildings have needed to place serviceable refrigeration lines under slabs on grade. Convention centers, communication centers, law enforcement buildings, courthouses and other buildings have needed to place serviceable cable lines under slabs on grade. As our society becomes more and more "hi-tech", the need for this type of construction is rapidly increasing.


PFI has proven to provide contractors a very practical and economical means of constructing the junction boxes for these various sub-slab elements. PFI is available in just about any shape or size that you could ever dream of. We customize pre-drilled holes to meet your standards for the job; or the PFI can be easily field modified by the user. Our orange safety lids come in very handy for many of the situations encountered and we also have special adapters to make pull-boxes with an "edge-ledge" to support thin cover slabs that will meet building specifications.


Our lids are the preferred void coverage method by many safety inspectors because of their strength, high visibility, economy, and ease of removal. Our lids can even easily be locked in place to prevent vandalism, theft, or accidental dislodging in critical situations. The tops of our lids have an embossed logo and safety information that is easily filled with sheetrock compound or any number of available filler materials to prevent transfer to concrete wall panels, making them a favorite of tilt-up contractors.

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